This game was made for Trijam #294 for the theme of Accumulate Power.


  • Redirect laser beams with mirrors (the thin white rectangles)
  • Left-Click on mirrors to rotate it towards mouse cursor
  • Direct lasers towards the lens at the bottom-left to concentrate their power
  • Destroy the 3 objects to win
  • Each object needs more laser power than the last

Software Used

About Development

The goal in making this game was for me to become familiar with Raycasts in Godot.
Submitted late due to a busy weekend and forgetting that Daylight Savings exists.


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Nice job on getting the raycasts to work! Cool concept, thanks for still submitting it. Sometimes I can break the last object with only 2 lasers, its seems that the far right one counts as 2 if you wiggle it around a bit :)

(4 edits)

Thanks for finding that bug! Using raycasts like this was a new adventure for me, so I was certain there would be some issues with the implementation. I will look into this particular bug so I can squash it next time I need to use raycasts in a similar manner.

Edit: The bug happens only when moving a laser from the focus lens directly to a mirror in one physics tick. The laser power on the lens is normally reduced when the laser is moved away, but I didn't account for moving the laser directly from one receiver (lens) to another (mirror). So, the laser power keeps adding up if you position the bottom mirror such that you can wiggle the right-most mirror to move the third beam directly to the bottom mirror or lens without hitting a wall.

Really cool that u made this in 3 hours! Sad that u werent able to submit in time, this wouldve definetly have been top 3 :( 

Thank you for trying my game, I'm glad you thought it was cool!